Remo Line
Fibreglass rowing boats with wooden oars in various sizes, for rowing either sitting down or standing up. Available with stainless-steel or brass oarlocks, ideal for rescue services.
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Montecarlo canoe
Technical characteristics
- Polyester hull with double reinforced shell
- Large bench seat for 2 passengers
- Brass oarlocks
- Wooden oars 2.60 m
- CE marked category D
- Buoyancy apparatus 300 kg
Overall length: 4.15 m
Overall width: 1.50 m
Weight: 90 kg
Certified capacity: 290 kgNettuno life boat
Technical characteristics
- Polyester hull with double reinforced shell
- Oarlocks in stainless steel
- Wooden oars 3.00 m with larger diameter
- Handrail
- "Bob"
- Lifebuoy holder with regulatory lifebuoys and ropes
- CE marked category D
- Buoyancy apparatus 300 kg
Overall length: 4.90 m
Overall width: 1.70 m
Weight: 110 kg
Certified capacity: 270 kgZeus life boat
Technical characteristics
- Polyester hull with double reinforced shell
- Brass oarlocks
- Wooden oars 2.60 m
- CE marked category D
- Buoyancy apparatus 300 kg
Overall length: 4.15 m
Overall width: 1.50 m
Weight: 90 kg
Certified capacity: 90 kgExtra life boat
Technical characteristics
- Polyester hull with double reinforced shell
- Oarlocks in stainless steel
- Wooden oars 3.00 m
- Handrail
- "Bob"
- Lifebuoy holder with regulatory lifebuoys and ropes
- CE marked category D
- Buoyancy apparatus 300 kg
Overall length: 4.30 m
Overall width: 1.50 m
Weight: 100 kg
Certified capacity: 240 kgS life boat
Technical characteristics
- Polyester hull with double reinforced shell
- Stainless steel oarlocks
- Brass oarlocks
- Wooden oars 3.00 m
- CE marked category D
- Buoyancy apparatus 300 kg
Overall length: 4.30 m
Overall width: 1.50 m
Weight: 100 kg
Certified capacity: 240 kg